Friday, May 11, 2007

Pop Quiz...

....courtesey of Joe Solmonese, president of the Human Rights Campaign.

Pop quiz: Before last week's House hate crimes vote, which of the following absurd tactics did anti-gay groups use to try to stop the vote?

a. Manufacture a blatantly fake House transcript.
b. Promote the work of a known racist filmmaker (whose other titles include "Keep America White").
c. Claim this law would make it a crime to "read the Bible a certain way" or have anti-gay thoughts.
d. Callously invoke the Virginia Tech massacre.
e. All of the above.
If you answered 'E', you've been doing your homework.

The hate crimes legislation currently trying to make it through the Senate known as the Matthew Shepard Act hopefully wont suffer the same fate as the legislation that went through the house (which does not have a large enough majority to override the promised presidential veto). Our own California Senators Boxer and Feinstein are cosponsors of the bill, which proposes to expand federal hate crimes laws to include crimes commited against a person based on their perceived or actual sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or disability (current laws only include race, color, religion or national origin).

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