Sunday, May 6, 2007

An end to capital punishment?

America joins the ranks of China, Iran, Pakistan, Iraq, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Vietnam, and Kuwait in that these are the ten countries with the most executions in 2006. Though the U.S. method of lethal injection claims to be more humane than the execution styles administered by many other countries.
Idealy lethal injection consists of three shots: the first renders you unconscious, the second paralyzes muscles and blocks breathing and the last is to stop the heart. In actuality sometimes the inijections are administered wrong or simply do not work leaving a conscious convict to suffer a slow and painful death from suffocation.
Out of the 37 states that allow the death penalty New Jersey, Maryland, Montana and Nebraska are moving towards a ban of this form of punishment.
America is one of the few democracies, along side Japan, India, South Korea and Taiwan, that still has a death penalty. Perhaps it is time to move on from this barbaric method of punishement? Or at least have the decency to kill them quickly...

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