Tuesday, April 17, 2007


The shootings at Virginia Tech...I really have nothing that could describe how apauleed I am by such a massacre. Why take so many people with you? My naive and innocent mind just cant comprehend the motivation to committ such a horrendus act. Virginia and Colorado are such seemingly pleasent and peaceful states. I hate to profile a city but it seems that such an act would be more likely in Los Angeles or Oakland. I lived 20 minutes from Littleton when the Columbine shootings occured. The highschool was close to the bowling alley we frequented. That town is so welcoming and peaceful such violent acts are not a regular occurence. What prompts such agression and dismisal of respect for human lives?

I understand this isn't very political but I needed to vent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you, its so hard to come to terms with the fact that someone can take away our freedom to life. Unfortunately where people live do not always dictate the growth of a monster. This boy who looked innocent enough, woke up yesterday took a gun to a college campus and decided to take 30 people's lives.......... How can you and I walk onto our Campus's and feel safe now. Not only did he take away the freedom of those on that campus, but he took away all of our's and our parents freedoms to the feeling of saftey!!!