Monday, June 4, 2007

Bush applauded on global warming stance

President Bush recently proposed a step towards a global cooperative effort to fight global warming. Suggesting the 15 biggest emitters of greenhouse gases hold meetings and set an emissions goal. This proposal differs from other UN attempts (which have still yet to be ratified by the US) in that each country - including the U.S., China, India and the major European countries - would determine individually how to implement the goal.

"The U.S. initiatives on climate protections are very welcome to us, under the condition that they are channeled into the framework of the U.N. program," said German Chancellor Angela Merkel

A three day G-8 summit, hosted by Merkel, will take place on Wednesday. Though the main focus will be global warming, Tony Blair and Merkel have also discussed proposing aid to Africa to the agenda. In response to the U.S.'s recent positions on global warming treatie Merkel said:

"Every initiative must be channeled into the entire United Nations process. If that happens, this would mean that the United States is back in the community of those who are concerned about reduction, and that would already be something."

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